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Philip Simmons Senior student athletes with GameDay membership are eligible to apply for a scholarship through GameDay Club.  Learn more about your eligibility below.

Class of '25 Application
Opens January 27, 2025!

The PSHS Gameday Club is proud to offer Iron Horse Athletic Scholarships for graduating PSHS senior athletes. The amount of each scholarship and the number of students awarded each year will be based on Gameday Club funding. The eligibility requirements are listed below. Scholarship applications will be numbered with names removed and will be reviewed by the scholarship committee.


Eligibility Requirements

  • Student OR Student’s Parent/Guardian must be a member of the Iron Horse Gameday Club prior to February 28, 2025.

  • Student must be a 2024 graduating senior at PSHS.

  • Student must have participated as an athlete in a JV or Varsity sport at PSHS. (Must be a sport recognized by BCSD and SCHSL and not a club.)

  • Student must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.5 or higher on the South Carolina Uniformed Grading Scale.

  • Student must plan to attend a 2- or 4-year college or technical schools


Ineligibility Causes:

  • Disciplinary Action, e.g. Out-of-school Suspension (OSS) or In-school Suspension (ISS) will be reviewed by administration on a per case basis.


How to Apply

  1. Starting 1/27/25, members will be emailed a link to a google application form. 

  2. Not a current member of GameDay? No problem. Become a member by 2/28/25!

  3. If you meet eligibility requirements and don't have a link email: â€‹​

  4. GameDay will verify eligibility and forward to the scholarship committee for consideration.

  5. Completed applications should be submitted no later than 3:00 pm Friday, March 28, 2025. Questions?

  6. Late applications will NOT be accepted.


Scholarships will be awarded at the PSHS Senior Awards Day in May.



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